Sunday, June 19, 2011

The first

If internet is the door to the world, that my door must have been stuck or something. Like the many billion people on this world, I am pretty much invisible. Invisible is a nicer term for non existence. So anyway, I suppose than I can pretty much write about whoever and whatever I want. No one reads it, it's private:) I'd hate to start us off with an anger post, but unfortunately, that's all that had happened today. God knows why. Me and my normally fun loving father got engaged in a fight due to the fact that I accidentally dropped some eraser shavings onto the ground. Dad went hysterical, but I told him that he was being unreasonable since I am the one doing the cleanup. Not the smartest thing to say. Normally, I watch out for the things I say since words are like spilled water( a chinese saying). You can't take it back. Yet today, I really don't know what is wrong with me...So....I continued to argue with my Dad until he got so mad. and stuff. And by this point, I officially got bored and don't want to write anymore. Like I said, no body reads it, it's private, whatever.

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